Remove hair under arms and Bikini line £119- laser hair removal special offer for November 2021

Say goodbye to shaving, waxing, plucking.. stubbly re-growth

No more bumps and lumps from ingrowing hairs and no more visits to the salon or messy DIY hair removal


Lets get permanent hair removal

Fed up with shaving, waxing, plucking and other hair removal methods? 

Whatever method you use, Veet, Nair, Waxing, DIY or visiting a salon, you are probably tired of the constant battle to maintain smooth skin. Many people suffer rashes, lumps, bumps and painful in-growing hairs on these sensitive areas. The good news is that this that after a course of laser hair treatment you will have smooth hair free skin and wont have to worry about spiders legs hanging out of your bikini bottoms. Best of all the treatment is painless! If you have ever had your bits waxed you will appreciate the how painful it can be ane might only last a short number of days before regrowth starts.

We recommended that the sessions take place every 4 to 8 weeks until a satisfactory result is seen. The required number of treatments varies, but typically 6 treatments are needed for optimum results.

Read more about laser hair removal and see before and after photos

We treat the face and body for long term hair removal with our Motus AY Laser which is the most advanced treatment for long term hair removal and is used in the NHS and aesthetic clinics across the globe.

beach body - ladies running into the waves

Booking your Appointment

We are happy to offer evening and weekend appointments for pre-booked sessions. Please email or call to request your appointment session.

Book by Phone or Text:  Call Monique on 07825414140

Book by Email: Please email us your chosen time and date and we will get back to you as soon as possible to confirm your appointment.



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